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Our History

1990 - Tuesday night praise and worship meetings begin at the home of James and Jill Mills, with Norman and Shirley Halsall, and Dimitri and Debbie Karavias.


1991, Sept - Tuesday night group has grown to 20 to 40 adults each week and American minister,Phil Buechler, calls James Mills about finding a pastor for a church based on this group. Plans are made for Phil and his wife, plus Fred Bennet and his wife from Christ the Rock Church near Memphis to visit Valbonne and the Tuesday night group.


1991, Dec - Buechlers and Bennets visit Valbonne and suggest the start of a Sunday service while they begin to look for a pastor.


1992, Jan - Start Sunday morning meetings at the Mills’ home. Five adults present!


1992, Apr - Phil Buechler and English pastor Dave Day visit Valbonne and suggest that the group adopt a name and register as a church.


1992, Oct - Alan Valentine arrives as pastor with his family.


1992, Nov - Sunday morning meetings move to Hotel Mediathel, in Sophia Antipolis


1996, May - First elders, James Mills and Clive Hoggar installed by Phil Buechler. Meetings return to Mediathel, now re-opened. The church is now bilingual, and in addition to Sunday morning services, Sunday evening meetings are also held in French.

1996, Sep - Meetings move from Mediathel to the 360-seat auditorium of Groupe CERAM at Sophia Antipolis. Sunday morning attendance now equals 60 to 70 adults, plus children.


1996, Nov - Approximately 35 attendees of Cornerstone approve Articles and members of the Administrative Council in order to register as a cultural organisation under the law of 1905, as well as continuing under the 1901 law.


1999, Jan - For the first time, Cornerstone moves into its ‘own’ rented facility, with capacity for around 200+ people.


1999 to 2009:

  • Clive Hoggar appointed as elder.

  • Expand the meeting room by taking on more space and classrooms. Total seating 300  and four classrooms.


2010, May - James Morgan appointed as assistant pastor.


2011, December - Our founder and leader James Mills passed away on Sunday evening December 4th.  A celebratory Memorial Service was held for James on Wednesday 7th December. With a mixture of sadness for our loss, gratefulness for the lives that James led to Jesus and his powerful teaching and encouragement to live a Holy Spirit-filled life, we were also full of joy knowing his everlasting life in heaven had begun.


2012, January.  James Morgan takes up the role of pastor.


2014, April - Three elders are appointed. They are Arnaud BAXAS, Blessed ANIEFIOK and Mark WALLIS.  These three men have been serving the church faithfully for many years with their wives and families and have been steadfast, always wanting the church to follow Jesus Christ.

© 2024, by Cornerstone Christian Fellowship - Vallauris - France. All rights preserved.

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