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Prophecy Part 1

January 17th, 2014


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Prophecy Part 2

January 18th, 2014


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Prophecy Part 3

January 18th, 2014


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Prophecy Part 4

January 18th, 2014


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Prophecy Part 5

January 19th, 2014


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Ruth Paddon's Visit


On the weekend of 17-19 January, we had the great privilege of welcoming Ruth Paddon (Apostle and Prophet) to Cornerstone to teach and train us on the Five-Fold Ministry, with a focus on the Prophetic!


Ruth wisely arrived early in the week to pray around our region. We went up to Gordon (a high place) where she prayed some very powerful prayers of spiritual release and freedom over our land and in particular our region.


The weekend of teaching also included times of ‘Activation’, where we were given opportunity to receive a Rhema word – a word from God for ourselves! Then we had opportunity to hear a word for someone else (a word of knowledge or scripture or prophecy). It was an extremely exciting and moving time as we realised that the words we shared with each other could only have come from the Lord!


Ruth taught about how the five-fold ministry functions and operates in the church in these ‘last days’ and also about the foundational roles of the Apostle and the Prophet.


Ruth was able to minister individually to many people all of whom were so encouraged. She has commented on what a joy it was to minister in Cornerstone because hearts are so hungry for God! She has challenged us to continue in faithfulness and obedience, developing our characters if we are to grow in the prophetic and hear with clarity what God is saying to His people.


Ruth received from the Lord a powerful prophecy for Cornerstone as well as one for France. (Read below!) We Praise God for His encouragements to us as a ‘people of God’ and also as individuals. We are truly blessed!


We are looking forward to her next visit later in 2014, where she will bring a team with her.



(Shirley Morgan)



Prophetic words for Cornerstone


This is a well of living water - a fountain of his purity and salvation. Rise up and possess your land.


A mighty angel is appointed over you to protect and carry out my purposes.


As you press in you will hear my voice. You will be my vehicle to purify and shine in the darkness, in the region around you. You will lift up a new standard of righteousness in this country. Your influence will flow out across the land as the people rise up.


My sheep are hungry and looking for deeper truths. You are really a mighty army being prepared for the battle. Remain faithful and diligent in your training season. Press onwards towards the goal of your high callings in me.




Prophetic words for France


The fields are ripe for the harvest - Disillusionment has set in but I am allowing this vacuum, that only I can fill. I will draw those to me who will know me and obey me. There are many who are searching for me in this land.


My cry to this nation is Repentance from dead works. You think you are rich and have no need of me. Come to me the well of living water. The Fire of God will purify the church. Spiritual streams will spring up across this land. Behold I stand at the door and knock. Those who hear my voice and will let me in will receive the living water I have promised them.


I have seen the seeds of the martyr's blood sown into your soil. I will multiply the increase. From this sacrifice multitudes will come to me because of the sowing of these seeds.


My church needs to continually pray for righteousness in the government at all levels. As my prophets and apostles rise up in the church and the market place, my church will be purified and powerful through the right governmental authority and doctrine. 

© 2024, by Cornerstone Christian Fellowship - Vallauris - France. All rights preserved.

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